At St. Isidore Catholic School, we believe that participation in after-school athletics is a privilege and a positive developmental experience for those who choose to compete. Our philosophy, supported by teachers, parents, and students who work as coaches and officials, promotes participation, cooperation, fair play, and skill development for all athletes. All coaches are required to be fingerprinted and Safe Haven haven certified. It is important that coaches have a fundamental knowledge of the sport they are to coach and follow the philosophy and procedures of the school. If you are interested in helping our athletic program by coaching or refereeing the various sports, please sign up in the School Office or speak directly with the Athletic Director.
Requirements for Participation
We compete with other private and public school teams in our area in order to offer our athletes a quality athletic program. All students in grades 5 - 8 may participate, if they meet the following requirements:
In order to participate in the Athletic Program, students must:
- Keep academic grades a priority. Minimum grade requirements for
participation in after school sports and activities are a “B” in conduct and a “C’ average in academic subjects. Teachers, coaches, and the athletic director will check requirements regularly. Participation in sports is to supplement the academic program, not supplant it.
- Student-athletes must put forth 100% effort at practices. Participation in the program requires attendance at all practices and games. Team members must attend practices, unless excused by a written note from home.
- Players, parents and other participants must present themselves at all times as respectful Christians and citizens. Membership on the team requires acceptable behavior, as well as good sportsmanship.
- Parents are expected to be active participants in team and Booster Club support, giving two hours per sport for help at tournaments and snack bars. This is covered in the Athletics Handbook.
- A student must attend at least half of the regular school day to participate in that day’s practices or games.
- Students on behavioral or academic probation are ineligible.
- Students not regularly attending practice sessions will not be allowed to participate in games.
There is a nonrefundable $40 fee per student for participation in first sport played; additional after-school sports will cost $20 each. Fees will be collected at the time Athletic Agreements are returned. All sport uniforms are the property of the school and must be returned or replaced at the end of the season. Detention and/or tutoring time must be served prior to sports practice or game. Tuition must be current in order to play.
All students who require a ride to any school-sponsored sport activity must have a Pre-Authorized Driver form from their parent/guardians allowing them to ride with pre-authorized drivers. These forms will be distributed at the first meeting of the team. No student may ride in a car to or from a school-sponsored game with an adult who has not been pre-authorized by his/her parent/guardian.
Volunteers must provide transportation to and from “away” sports games. Drivers must have all of the needed insurance forms for the current year on file in the School Office. If there are not enough drivers for a game or a meet, the trip will be cancelled.
- Contact the coach or Athletic Director if you are willing to provide transportation.
- Parents who do not qualify to drive students for field trips may provide transportation for their own child to games/meets.
*See Field Trips for other student and driver expectations.
Fall: Boys Flag Football/Girls Volleyball/Cross Country/Boys and Girls Soccer
Winter: Boys & Girls Basketball
Spring: Co-ed Track / Jr High girls' and boys' soccer
(Sports are subject to change depending on participation)
Sports Physical
Students enrolled in 1st – 8th grade who are planning to on participate in school sports are required to have a sports physical form completed annually by their physician. This form must be on file in the school office prior to the student participating in any sport game or practice. In addition, each family is required to attend a seasonal sport meeting before the child can participate.
Participation in after-school sports is contingent upon the following:
- Availability of qualified volunteer personnel
- Try-outs, if deemed necessary by the coach
- Payment of the athletic fee
- Parental permission emergency form
- Student’s continuing satisfactory deportment both in school and on the team
- Physical examination form completed by physician, required yearly, prior to the beginning of participation in practice or competition
- A student must attend at least half of the regular school day to participate in that day’s practices or games.
Athletic Goals
- To build a community which strives to image Christ;
- To develop Christian spirit, school spirit, team spirit and personal acceptance;
- To instill Christian sportsmanship in the life-styles of the participants;
- To teach the participants the proper attitude towards winning, losing and competing with dignity;
- To develop acceptance and appreciation of others;
- To train, instruct and follow athletic/sport rules;
- To develop the students’ physical abilities and coordination;
- To help form well-rounded students by fostering good health habits;
- To provide a Christian environment and outlet for youthful energy;
- To teach the positive value of athletic participation; and
- To show the necessity of practice, hard work, and time management.
These goals are founded upon the principle of the infinite worth of each person because he/she is created in the image and likeness of God.
Conduct of Players During Games and Practices
Athletes are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all games and practices. Athletes are expected to represent St. Isidore Catholic School in a manner that exemplifies good sportsmanship, pride, and respect. Athletes displaying inappropriate behavior will be removed from the game and face disciplinary consequences.
Conduct of Parents and Fans
- Parents and fans are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and respect for the coach, athletes on both teams, and other parents and fans.
- Parents should not offer coaching instructions to their children during a practice or game.
- Parents should not confront coaches with demands or complaints concerning strategy or playing time for their children during a game. Instead, parents are asked to observe a 24-hour cooling off period after a game before contacting the coach with a concern.
- All children are to be supervised by an adult during games and practices.
- Parents and fans must comply with requests from coaches, the athletic director, the principal, or other site-supervisors during a game or practice; if compliance is not demonstrated, the participants will be asked to leave the premises.
- Non-compliance with the above guidelines may place the enrollment of the students in jeopardy.
Playing Time
Playing time is the prerogative of the coach who will follow league guidelines on this issue; coaches are encouraged to play every player as much as possible. Players cannot expect to play in games if they have not been attending practices and giving 100% effort throughout these practices.
Communication With Coaches
- Players are to report all injuries to the coach as soon as possible.
- Students should express any concerns to the coach first before involving parents.
- If student concerns are not resolved after speaking with the coach, parents should contact the coach to express concerns.
- If resolution cannot be achieved, all parties should involve the athletic director.
- The principal should only become involved if none of these steps has achieved resolution.Decisions of the principal in athletic matters are final.
Sport uniforms must be turned in within a week of the last game of the season. Uniforms must be laundered and bagged, and the bag should be labeled with the athlete’s name. Uniforms may only be worn during games and not during practice. Participants may lose their uniform fee deposit if uniforms are returned late, damaged, or dirty.
Parent Participation
All parents/guardians of athletes are required to sign up for work hours in the snack bar, at game entrance, or score keeping for league games/tournaments held at St. Isidore Catholic School.